Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A free moment!

Well, the last few days have been kinda hectic. Brandon FINALLY sent his money in for child support. I'll have to write a whole new blog with that madness to catch everyone up.

Parker is in DayCare right now, and I'm "studying" for my test tomorrow. I'm almost possitive I slipped a disk in my neck and it's awful! I didn't sleep well and that doesn't help the situation. I'm hopeing to find a chiropractor who will take a look at me before our insurance takes a nose dive. That, or wait for my BadgerCare card and start into the HMO system.

So, tomorrow I have a test in Biology and I'm going to bomb it if I don't get back to studying...
More on the Brandon crapola later on. That's the real reason you're here... not to hear about my not doing so hot on my bio test....

Friday, June 19, 2009

Parker is with Nanna and Pappa this weekend. I'm getting some much needed rest :) Right now, I'm watching Bones, which is probably my favorite show ever!!! We were approved for Badgercare and FoodShare today! YAY! Eating and healthcare is a good thing :) Tomorrow, I'm going to see UP with one of my good friends, Sarah, from high school. I'm so excited about that!

I'm starting to produce milk. It's not alot, but a few drops every pumping. Hopefully things will increase soon!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

No school tomorrow!!

... and I'm probably not going to get the chance to sleep in!!! hahaha!

Well, I'm here with Parker and today, he slept for two hours at daycare!!! Then was slightly traumatized by the poor Lactation Consultant that was trying to help us. He DID NOT want to breast feed, so I'm going to focus on atleast pumping.

Now, with that being said, I'm wooped! Today has been alot of running around. We took another hour long nap and I"m hoping he'll go down for the night here soon (it's 8:30). I really need to post all about the mad-stupid-craziness that's going on with the Brandon-drama lately. Now, Best Buy is coming after me for the TV I don't even have! So, now that I'm paying the bill (cause he hasn't paid it since April), I'm going to sue him for the TV and Playstation if he doesn't give it up willingly.

And This is going to be cut short because Parker wants to type!!
bggff umkmi,m.,.lui mmm n bnhm g x;l;jj;lkj bvvgb5
byu7a u cclk'askjjdfa'lkxnxc"LDKDSjsa

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Parker has this message...

nz/c x(somehow he logged us off, so we're back!)

p94a k p b9 8bovb88o n7o b9e n bv8
neb 673 v9vb9 nn6 3xz9n x vxmnbmvjcxbn9 vb v3 n 8
mevi,ky ku c ce 9ppppppppppp7n-ggxg5984 x,mr
h0se bvcxfn-,cnxvb ckm

Thank you. We now return to your previously scheduled Program :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lactation and Dr. Quinn

I love how women in our culture have been through so frickin' much. I just found out that Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman is coming back on TV. Not new episodes, but the whole series from start to finish. It's on the Gospel Music Channel (of all places!!) and I'm watching the pilot right now as Parker is squawking on the ground. He's figured out how to roll and pivot on the floor and is having a blast rolling around with his butterflies.

Today I started pumping again and I got like five drops! Holy wow! That's way more than I thought I was going to get!!! Tomorrow I start Reglan to boost my supply and Thursday I see the Lactation consultant from the Ped's office. Parker isn't quite sure what's going on, but he'll get the hang of it again :)

And how are you?

Well, I'm Cat. My Son, Parker. The two of us are on this crazy journey called life. For some reason, people tell me I'm strong. I'll let you make that call. Could it be because Parker was born Premature? Or could it be that we are going on six months of being "safe" from the terrible abuser we lived with? Or could it be that despite all we've been through ('cause it's alot!) that the Good Lord still gets us up every day with a smile on our face? I really don't know what cocktail of things have made me who I am today, but I do know that all I have to do is have faith and hope that my foot is going to fall on solid ground when I take a step and I can make it.

So, I'm doing well. How are you?